About Leah Chischilly

bounce back from burnout

We spend a lot of our time and energy giving and caring for others. It's time for a little self-care.

Most of us are working full time jobs while also juggling parenting, spouse-ing, friend-ing, and downright superhero-ing day in and day out.  While we can manage this for a while, eventually it catches up and our health takes a hit… I would know. 

A few years back I was tired, foggy, and sick. Getting up and getting dressed felt like an olympic sport,  my head was so cloudy and my memory so bad I’d forget random things like the PIN number that I’d used for years. Allergies (that I never had before) and frequent sinus infections were my new normal. 

Refusing to believe that feeling that way was just part of “getting older” I took matters into my own hands and figured it out. I wasn’t sick, I was stressed – physically, mentally, emotionally.  When I addressed all the stress, I bounced back from burnout, feeling better and stronger than before. You can too. 

It's not in your head

The symptoms you are experiencing are signs from your body that something is amiss.

Hi, I'm Leah

Doctor of Acupuncture and Certified Nutrition Coach.

I’m here to help you get a handle on your health issues so you can get back to LIVING your life. 

Professional Credentials:

Behind the Screen

My Mantras for Better health

Test, Don't Guess.

No more wasting time and money on the latest fad diets, supplements, or biohacks. Let’s uncover what YOUR body needs. 

Balance Systems to Alleviate Symptoms

Address the mess that is throwing off the systems, so symptoms can resolve on their own. 

Simplify Practices to Amplify Results

Mastering the basics of healthy living will take you farther than any pill or product ever can. 

before you go...

Ready to take back your health so you can get back to living your life?