• Why Exercise Really Matters

    Do you exercise?

    If you answered no, then you need to get on that…ASAP!

    If you answered yes, then I want to know why. I am willing to bet your answer may have something to do with your weight.

    While maintaining a healthy weight is important, there are some much bigger reasons why you should be moving and shaking every single day.

    You were built to move – We have these funny little things called joints, and those joints allow us to move our body parts in a multitude of directions. Like a rusty door hinge, neglected joints just don’t work as efficiently. Give them the grease by utilizing your full range of motion.

    Stagnation = Symptoms – According to Chinese medicine you have a system of vessels called the Jing mai that traverse the body from head to toe. The Jing mai are responsible for moving blood and qi (oxygen) through the body.  When the vessels get obstructed, stagnation occurs and negative symptoms manifest. Regular exercise (and acupuncture of course!) is one of the best ways to keep everything moving and prevent the vessels from becoming obstructed.

    The inside needs it just as much as the outside – Increased blood flow and oxygenation enable all of your organs to function more efficiently. While you may not directly feel the effects on say your heart or lungs (even though they are improving), you will likely notice that your systems of digestion and elimination are more active.   That alone might keep you coming back for more!

    Muscles aren’t just for show – With the intense focus on aesthetics, it is easy to forget that our muscular system serves a very important purpose – To support our entire structure and keep us upright! (No big deal) With this in mind, don’t you want to keep that system as strong as possible as you age? Not only that, stronger muscles lead to stronger bones.

    Exercise relieves stress and improves mood – It might feel like pulling teeth to get to the gym, but have you ever regretted working out? Didn’t think so. Really take note of how you feel after your next workout. Notice if you are happier or if the day’s problems suddenly feel much smaller. Exercise can be very therapeutic so remember that next time you are thinking about skipping a workout.

    Even if you have a block around exercise or you are already happy with your weight, I hope these ideas will encourage you to hit the gym anyway!

  • 5 Reasons I Love Acupuncture (and you will too!)

    I think it is pretty obvious that I love Acupuncture. After all, I wouldn’t spend four years in school learning about something just because it sounded cool. The reason I love it so much is because after I get an acupuncture treatment I feel like a whole new person. My muscles are more relaxed, my joints feel better, my focus improves and I am so ridiculously calm that you could tell me that my car had just been stolen and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. And then there’s the sleep… OMG…The Sleep! I don’t think there are words to describe the quality of sleep I get after an acupuncture treatment.

    Everybody’s experience is a little bit different, but here are a few more reasons I love acupuncture. Hopefully they will encourage you to give it a try.

    It can be used for almost anything – Feel a cold coming on? Have a stiff neck or aching back? Need a little help getting through tough times? There’s an acupuncture treatment than can help and It isn’t limited to treating just physical symptoms.

    Acupuncture is chemical-free relief – Contrary to popular belief, we do not immerse our needles in chemicals (or magic) to illicit a healing response. No foreign substance is injected into your body, and treatments leave nothing behind once they are done – except for good vibes and awesomeness, obviously.

    Side effects are virtually non-existent – It is highly unlikely that you will ever need an acupuncture treatment to counteract the side effects of a different acupuncture treatment* Also, I have never seen anyone have an allergic reaction to acupuncture. On occasion you can experience fatigue, or worsening of symptoms after a treatment. This is not an adverse reaction to the treatment, but rather your body waking up and stepping up to take care of business. The best thing you can do is rest and allow your body to heal itself.

    It always gives you the opportunity to take a time-out – If you’ve ever complained that you never have a free minute or any time to yourself, acupuncture is a great escape from your daily stressors. Also, the fact that you have needles in your body basically forces you to be still and quiet for a few minutes. Who doesn’t need a little bit of stillness?

    You will get more than you expect – Whatever your reason for trying acupuncture, you may be surprised at how many other things change as a result of your treatments. I’ve heard countless stories of people coming in for aches and pains and suddenly find themselves feeling a lot happier. Or they come in for stress relief and their cravings for unhealthy foods diminish. There really is no limit to what Acupuncture can do for you. Keep an open mind, open heart and sit back and enjoy the ride.

    *Okay, if you happen to be the unlucky person that somehow finds that one extremely incompetent practitioner, then maybe damage control is necessary. However, this is highly unlikely as strict standards are in place in most states.