
  • 7 Signs it might be time for a liver detox

    When it comes to overall health, your probably don’t think about your liver all that much. We hear a lot about the importance of a healthy heart, lungs and brain but the liver often gets overlooked. From a western standpoint, the liver is responsible for several functions including aiding digestion, removing harmful substances from the blood (detox), and storing nutrients. A healthy liver is absolutely essential for proper bodily function.


    The same is true when you think of the liver as it relates to Chinese Medicine. Known as the “Army General” it is responsible for planning and execution of the body’s functions by ensuring your qi is flowing smoothly and in the right direction. Many factors of the modern lifestyle inhibit proper functioning of the liver. Things like poor diet, lack of exercise and excessive stress can all affect the liver, causing deficiency or stagnation.  Here are a few ways to tell if your liver needs a little TLC.


    1)      Moodiness/Irritability – If you find that you are fluctuating between happy-go-lucky and the incredible hulk it is a telltale sign of Liver qi stagnation.   When the qi of the liver is flowing smoothly then the emotional state is even and happy. When that flow is impeded it can give rise to frustration, depression or repressed anger.


    2)      Fatigue – Qi is your life force energy and the liver is responsible for keeping it moving. When it is abundant and free-flowing, your energy levels are high. When it is depleted or stagnant your energy levels are low.


    3)      Eye/vision changes – The sense organ connected to the liver is the eyes. Changes in vision, dry, red eyes or floaters can all be indications of a Liver disharmony.


    4)      Waking between 1-3am – If you happen to be someone who wakes up in the middle of the night, start to notice what time it usually occurs. In Chinese Medicine each organ is assigned a particular time of day where it is most active. The liver happens to fall between 1 and 3 am. So if you notice a pattern of waking up during that time then your liver just might be trying to tell you something.


    5)      Irregular menstruation/pms – In Chinese Medicine the liver is responsible for storing blood. A woman’s menses can tell a lot about the health of her liver. If it is functioning and storing blood normally then a woman can expect a normal period with consistent cycle. If it is deficient then a woman may miss a period or have very light bleeding. Symptoms like pms, severe cramping and clotting can all indicate liver qi stagnation.


    6)      Changes in fingernails – Liver health according to Chinese Medicine will manifest on the nails. Strong nails with a moist and healthy appearance indicate a healthy liver. If you notice that your nails are dry, brittle, cracked or ridged then it might be an indication that your liver needs a boost.


    7)      Lack of direction and planning – not to say that it will solve your “what do I want to be when I grow up?” problem, but keeping your liver healthy can help initiate clear thinking and planning. If you are usually a motivated and well organized planner, but you find that lately you are in a slump and can’t seem to get it together, then it might be time for an acupuncture treatment!


    If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, there are some things that you can do to give your liver the love it needs.

    1) Start your day with warm water and lemon – in Chinese Medicine, the sour flavor can calm and nourish the liver.

    2) Exercise – Movement helps stimulate the flow of qi and blood in the body.  This enhances the function of all organs including the liver

    3) Cut back on alcohol – You don’t have to give it up forever, but if you are finding that you are more irritable than usual, it may be sign that you need a small break.

    4) …and of course, Get Acupuncture!