Chinese Medicine

  • How Many Acupuncture Sessions Do You Need?

    If you are new to acupuncture, then you are probably wondering how many acupuncture sessions you will need to see results.  The short answer is: It depends.  It depends on what you are seeking treatment for, how long you have had symptoms, and how frequently you can get treatments, among other things.  I’ll share some of my insights from practice and what you might expect for certain conditions. 

    The Acupuncture Treatment Plan

    It’s important to think about acupuncture as medicine.  Like other medicines, it must be given in the proper doses to be effective.  The dosage is determined by your acupuncturist and outlined in a treatment plan.  When I give a patient a treatment plan, I think about it in three phases: Relieve, Restore, and Maintain.  

    Relieve Phase – this phase is designed to help alleviate your discomfort and decrease the severity of your symptoms.  Frequency and consistency are essential in this phase, and it may require two or more acupuncture treatments per week for several weeks.  Once symptoms start to diminish, you will move into the Restore phase. 

    Restore Phase – this phase is designed to help rebuild and restore the function of your body so that symptoms don’t return.  This phase is tricky because people often feel better, and so they are inclined to stop treatments. I totally get this line of thinking!  Just like you would stop taking Advil once a headache subsides, it’s tempting to think everything is fine again. But what is keeping that headache from coming back?  Only by correcting the underlying cause of the headache can we truly solve the problem.  That is what the Restore phase is all about.  

    Typically, in this phase, we can start to space treatments out a bit further to maybe once per week or every other week, depending on how a person responds. This phase usually lasts a few weeks.  Once it appears that a person is well-balanced and symptoms are not returning, then we move to the maintenance phase. 

    Maintain phase – This phase could essentially be lifelong. Acupuncture is both restorative and preventative medicine.  I generally recommend 1-2 acupuncture treatments per month for the maintenance of health and well-being. 

    Is one acupuncture treatment ever enough?

    It’s a common misconception that acupuncture is a one-and-done type of treatment. I wish this were the case, but unfortunately, it will take time and commitment to really see the benefits of acupuncture. 

    That being said, after your first treatment, you should feel something. Maybe you feel little calmer, and less stressed, or you sleep better that night, or your digestion seems to improve.  Any change or improvement after your first treatment is a good sign that your body responds well to acupuncture, and you will likely see results from continued treatments. 

    Acupuncture Treatment Plan Examples

    I want to provide a few scenarios of how many acupuncture treatments you will need, but note that these do not apply to all people. Treatment plans are determined on a case-by-case basis. 

    Acute pain (muscle strain, sprain, spasm, etc…)

    • Relief – Acupuncture daily or every other day until the pain improves
    • Restore – 1-2 treatments per week for 4 weeks
    • Maintain – 1-2 treatments per month ongoing

    Chronic pain (chronic back pain, knee pain, chronic pain of unknown origin)

    • Relief – Acupuncture treatments 1-2 times per week for 4-6 weeks
    • Restore – Acupuncture 1 time per week for 4-6 weeks
    • Maintain – 1-2 treatments per month ongoing

    Menstrual Irregularities

    • Relief – Acupuncture weekly for at least three months to gauge the regularity of the cycle
    • Restore – Acupuncture treatments every other week for two months
    • Maintain – 1-2 treatments per month ongoing

    If these numbers feel a little bit daunting and you are thinking, “There’s no way I can afford or make time for that many treatments!”  What I like to tell my patients is that while the best results are achieved with frequent and consistent treatment, some acupuncture is better than no acupuncture. Just do the best that you can.  

    You might also check with your insurance provider to see if treatments are covered. Acupuncture is gaining traction in the world of medicine, and more and more insurance carriers are covering treatments. 

    I hope this post has given you some idea of how many acupuncture treatments you will need.  If you have more questions, feel free to reach out.

    Acupuncture services with Dr. Leah Chischilly, D.Ac, L.Ac., available beginning February 14th, 2023 at Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness. To book an appointment, visit

  • What To Wear To An Acupuncture Appointment

    “I’m sorry, I had no idea what to wear for acupuncture.” This is a comment made by more first-time patients than I can count. No need to apologize! Most acupuncturists can work with any clothing scenario, but I thought I might highlight some “best practices” when it comes to acupuncture attire.

    Comfort is key

    During your acupuncture treatment, you will be resting with needles in place for anywhere between 15-45 minutes. Wear clothing that is comfortable and will allow you to relax. Soft, breathable fabrics are encouraged.

    Wide-leg pants or shorts are helpful.

    I love my athleisure wear just as much as the next person, but please leave your leggings at home. There are a lot of powerful acupuncture points located on the legs, so easy access is always appreciated. I’ve found that trying to roll up leggings or skinny jeans is really uncomfortable, so save yourself the trouble.

    Show us your guns!

    Tank tops and short sleeve shirts allow full access to the arms, another popular location for acupuncture needles.

    Bring back the low-rise waistband.

    I agree that the high waist is a much more flattering look, but let’s bring back the low-rise waistband, if only for acupuncture treatments. Again, it’s all about access. There are a lot of great points on the abdomen, and it can be tricky (although not impossible) to work around the high waistband.

    What if I have to come straight from work?

    Maybe you don’t feel like packing an extra set of clothes before you head out for the day, or you booked your appointment last minute and don’t have a change of clothes with you. It’s all good! Most acupuncturists will have extra sheets or drapes available to make needed areas accessible. There are also several methods of acupuncture that only require access to areas of the body such as the lower arms, lower legs, and head.

    The suggested clothing options may make your appointment run more smoothly. However, I assure you that no matter what you wear for your acupuncture visit, your practitioner can work with it.

    Acupuncture services with Dr. Leah Chischilly, D.Ac, L.Ac., available beginning February 14th, 2023 at Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness. To book an appointment, visit

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  • 5 Reasons I Love Acupuncture (and you will too!)

    I think it is pretty obvious that I love Acupuncture. After all, I wouldn’t spend four years in school learning about something just because it sounded cool. The reason I love it so much is because after I get an acupuncture treatment I feel like a whole new person. My muscles are more relaxed, my joints feel better, my focus improves and I am so ridiculously calm that you could tell me that my car had just been stolen and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. And then there’s the sleep… OMG…The Sleep! I don’t think there are words to describe the quality of sleep I get after an acupuncture treatment.

    Everybody’s experience is a little bit different, but here are a few more reasons I love acupuncture. Hopefully they will encourage you to give it a try.

    It can be used for almost anything – Feel a cold coming on? Have a stiff neck or aching back? Need a little help getting through tough times? There’s an acupuncture treatment than can help and It isn’t limited to treating just physical symptoms.

    Acupuncture is chemical-free relief – Contrary to popular belief, we do not immerse our needles in chemicals (or magic) to illicit a healing response. No foreign substance is injected into your body, and treatments leave nothing behind once they are done – except for good vibes and awesomeness, obviously.

    Side effects are virtually non-existent – It is highly unlikely that you will ever need an acupuncture treatment to counteract the side effects of a different acupuncture treatment* Also, I have never seen anyone have an allergic reaction to acupuncture. On occasion you can experience fatigue, or worsening of symptoms after a treatment. This is not an adverse reaction to the treatment, but rather your body waking up and stepping up to take care of business. The best thing you can do is rest and allow your body to heal itself.

    It always gives you the opportunity to take a time-out – If you’ve ever complained that you never have a free minute or any time to yourself, acupuncture is a great escape from your daily stressors. Also, the fact that you have needles in your body basically forces you to be still and quiet for a few minutes. Who doesn’t need a little bit of stillness?

    You will get more than you expect – Whatever your reason for trying acupuncture, you may be surprised at how many other things change as a result of your treatments. I’ve heard countless stories of people coming in for aches and pains and suddenly find themselves feeling a lot happier. Or they come in for stress relief and their cravings for unhealthy foods diminish. There really is no limit to what Acupuncture can do for you. Keep an open mind, open heart and sit back and enjoy the ride.

    *Okay, if you happen to be the unlucky person that somehow finds that one extremely incompetent practitioner, then maybe damage control is necessary. However, this is highly unlikely as strict standards are in place in most states.