As you know there are a billion and one different diet books, programs and products out there and every time you turn around one of them is being praised or criticized by the media.  One day low fat is all the rage, the next day low carb is the way to go and by next week you are convinced that you should try to survive on water alone.  Studies and testimonials are great, but the only thing you really want to know is which diet is going to work for YOU.  Well, let me tell you a secret that none of the diet books ever want you to know.

Every diet works for someone

No diet works for everyone


Despite claims that their diet is the absolute best for losing weight, improving your health and reducing your chances of being attacked by killer bees while rollerblading down main street, no ONE diet is going to benefit every person alive.

But what about the science?

Nearly every diet book published has some sort of scientific backing to support its claims.  Studies show that staying away from grains will help you lose weight and reduce risk of heart disease etc.  Studies also show that a diet rich in whole grains will do the exact same thing (head spinning yet?)  So who is right?  In a sense, they all are… under very specific circumstances with a very specific group of individuals.  Naturally we want to validate what we feel in our mind to be true, so authors and publishers will be sure to report on the studies that prove their hypotheses.  Does that mean the diet is right for you?  Not if you are a member of the population who was not reported on that received no benefit from the diet at all.

So, how do you figure it out?

My philosophy is to throw spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks.  Try one, two or fifty different diets and see if you get any results.  More importantly, see if the diet is sustainable over the long term.


Some questions to ask:

Is it a complete lifestyle overhaul over a short period (A la Atkins)?  Remember that you have been eating a certain way for years and changing all that overnight is going to be a challenge.

Will you be able to sustain the plan? – piggy backing on the first question.  If it is a complete overhaul, will you be able to maintain it over the long term, or is the deprivation that you felt gonna send you into a junk food induced tailspin as soon as “phase one” is over?

Do you like the food you are “allowed” to eat?  If you have a preference for vegetarian food then going Paleo isn’t going to be a good fit.  Not to mention the intestinal warfare you are likely to experience!  The opposite is also true – if you were raised on meat and potatoes then an abrupt switch to a vegan diet is going to be tough.

Is it balanced?  If a diet has you eating one food all day-everyday then it is not balanced and it definitely will not provide all of the nutrients your body needs.  I actually met a guy who lost 100 lbs eating ice cream and drinking Pepsi (see… every diet works for someone!)  However, there is a HUGE possibility that he has nutrient deficiencies and may experience health problems in his later years.

Will it kill your social life? – Spending time with friends and loved ones can do wonders for your health.  Make sure you diet doesn’t get in the way of all of your social time.  Is there room to indulge at least a little bit?  Can you modify meals to be able to eat at restaurants?  I tried the raw food thing for a bit (okay, it lasted a week!)  There was no way I could sustain this diet because a) try finding a restaurant that will prepare interesting raw food (a girl can only eat so many salads!) and b) Holy Preparation and clean up!  I’ve never done spent so much time or dirtied so many dishes as I did in that one week!


Have you ever tried a diet only to find out it was the absolute worst thing for YOUR body or health?  Tell me all about it in the comments below!